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Attorney Portrait Articles

Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases in Birmingham

If you watch television or drive on the highway, you have undoubtedly seen advertisements for Birmingham personal injury lawyers. But what, exactly, is a personal injury case, and how can a personal injury lawyer help you? These are questions that many people have. The personal injury attorneys at the Fob James Law Firm are here to answer your questions...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

What Is a Good Settlement Amount for a Motorcycle Accident in Alabama?

In any car or motorcycle accident, the amount of damages varies widely. Because of this, it is hard to pin down an exact average amount. A good settlement for one case will not be a good settlement in another. The best way to estimate the value of your individual claim is to talk to an experienced motorcycle accident attorney....

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Attorney Portrait Alabama Accident News

Alabama Student Killed on Highway 280 in Birmingham

(Birmingham, Alabama June 19, 2023) — According to the Jefferson County Coroner’s Office , a young woman was tragically killed early Sunday morning in a car crash on U.S. Highway 280 near Hollywood Boulevard. Virginia Elizabeth Davis, 19, has been identified as the victim in the crash. Authorities said Davis was a passenger in the vehicle and a drunk driver...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

Alabama Motorcycle Safety Laws: Helmet Laws

Almost half of the country has a universal helmet law in place, including Alabama. All riders and passengers are obligated to wear a helmet at all times, no matter their age. Also, Alabama helmet laws set forth specifics on what is an approved helmet. These include details on the necessary exterior shell, cradle, padding, and chin strap. The National...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

How to Deal with Insurance Companies After a Car Accident in Alabama

The most important thing to remember when considering how to deal with an insurance company after an accident is not to let the insurance company intimidate you. If you understand your rights and have a strong advocate at your side, you will be in a better position to hold your own against the insurance company and recover the compensation...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

Nursing Home Wrongful Death Cases in Birmingham

Choosing when to move a family member to a nursing home can be a tough decision. You assume that your loved ones will be well taken care of and treated with respect. Sadly, nursing home abuse is a problem plaguing facilities all across the country. Sometimes that abuse or neglect can lead to a resident’s death. In these situations,...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

Why Hiring an Attorney for an Allstate Accident Claim is Important

Filing an auto insurance claim can be a daunting experience. When the accident involves an Allstate insured, the claims process may become even more challenging. Allstate is often ranked as one of the worst insurance companies in the country. In fact, researchers at the American Association for Justice rank Allstate as the absolute worst. Allstate accident insurance claims adjusters...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

How to File a Car Accident Claim with Safeway Insurance Company

Safeway Insurance Group based in Illinois owns Safeway Insurance Company. It mainly provides automobile insurance to its customers and insureds. Safeway typically writes minimum insurance policies. Under Alabama law, the required minimum amount of automobile liability insurance coverage is $25,000 per claimant. As a result, if you are injured by someone operating an automobile with Safeway insurance, you will...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

What Are Motorcycle Laws in Birmingham?

Motorcycles can be fun and exciting and a great alternative to a regular vehicle. However, motorcycles can also pose great danger. Before getting on the road, you should become familiar with the motorcycle laws in Alabama. Motorcycle Accident Statistics Motorcycles are smaller than cars, can be less visible to other drivers, and require more skills to maneuver. For these...

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Attorney Portrait Articles

How Much Can You Sue for Wrongful Death in Alabama?

If you’ve lost a family member as the result of someone else’s wrongful act or negligence, you may be entitled to file a wrongful death case. Under Alabama law, the decedent’s personal representative can file a wrongful death case if the decedent could have filed a personal injury suit had he or she survived. If you are considering filing...

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