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This blog provides the latest litigation updates on the Roundup Cancer lawsuit.

Fob James Law Firm represents victims all over the country with their Roundup claims. We are currently taking cases involving various types of Non-hodkin’s Lymphoma and Leukemia.

If you would like to speak to our exprienced Roundup lawyers, fill out our confidential intake form or call 866-837-1010.

Throughout the Roundup litigation, we will post the latest news and updates below.

March 24, 2025 – Georgia Jury Awards $2.1 Billion Dollar Verdict in Roundup Trial

A Georgia jury awarded nearly $2.1 billion dollars to a man who was diagnosed Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma after exposure to Roundup. The breakdown of damages is $65 million in compensatory damages and $2 billion in punitive damages.

Because the jury awarded punitive damages, the jury believed that Monsanto’s conduct in failing to warn users about the risks rose to the level of gross negligence. Monsanto’s attorneys say their client is going to appeal the verdict. Nevertheless, this verdict is a huge win for all victims of Roundup.

March 3, 2025 – Missouri Lawyer Demands “Public Relations” Documents from Bayer

In the ongoing Roundup litigation in Missouri, Bayer refused to produce 46 documents on the grounds that they contain proprietary information. A Missouri plaintiff’s attorney filed an emergency motion seeking a Court order compelling Bayer to produce the documents. According to the attorney, the documents contain information about Bayer spreading “propoganda” in the media to influence the outcome of the litigation. Various trade organizations have run ads suggesting Roundup is safe. We will report on the outcome of the pending motion.

February 9, 2025 – Study Suggests Glysophate Reduces Gestational Birth Weight

A new study released by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that glysophate has significantly reduced the average birthweight and gestational length among babies in disadvantaged groups. Researchers point out that during the 20 years after the introduction of genetically modified seeds, the levels of glysophate increased by 750%. This study raises serious questions about the risks associataed with glysophate exposure. Many countries have restricted glysophate. Will the United States follow suit?

February 2, 2025 – Monsanto Continues Settling Roundup Cases With Various Firms

Our roundup lawyers heard rumors that Bayer was starting to settle law firm’s Roundup “inventories” last year. These rumors have now been confirmed. We expect Roundup lawsuit settlements to continue throughtout 2025. It is unclear which law firms are settling cases. Typically, the defendant prefers to settle with law firms that have large case inventories with strong cases.

January 14, 2025 – Washington State Jury Hits Bayer with $100 Million Dollar Verdict

Today, a jury in the state of Washington returned a verdict in the amount of $100 million dollars in favor of four plaintiffs who suffered illnesses after they were exposed to toxic chemicals called “PCBs” from the light fixtures at a Seattle-area school.

Bayer’s predecessor, Monsanto, made the chemicals that went into the light fixtures. While this verdict is not directly related to the Roundup lawsuits, it reflects that juries are willing to award big verdicts in toxic exposure cases against multi-national companies.

We believe each verdict helps educate the public and future jury pools about the dangers with chemicals that were once deemed to be safe.

February 9, 2025 – Study Suggests Glysophate Reduces Gestational Birth Weight

A new study released by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that glysophate has significantly reduced the average birthweight and gestational length among babies in disadvantaged groups. Researchers point out that during the 20 years after the introduction of genetically modified seeds, the levels of glysophate increased by 750%. This study raises serious questions about the risks associataed with glysophate exposure. Many countries have restricted glysophate. Will the United States follow suit?

February 2, 2025 – Monsanto Is Settling Roundup Cases With Various Law Firms

Our roundup lawyers heard rumors that Bayer was starting to settle law firm’s Roundup “inventories” last year. These rumors have now been confirmed. We expect Roundup lawsuit settlements to continue throughtout 2025. It is unclear which law firms are settling cases. Typically, the defendant prefers to settle with law firms that have large case inventories with strong cases.

January 14, 2025 – Washington State Jury Hits Bayer with $100 Million Dollar Verdict

Today, a jury in the state of Washington returned a verdict in the amount of $100 million dollars in favor of four plaintiffs who suffered illnesses after they were exposed to toxic chemicals called “PCBs” from the light fixtures at a Seattle-area school.

Bayer’s predecessor, Monsanto, made the chemicals that went into the light fixtures. While this verdict is not directly related to the Roundup lawsuits, it reflects that juries are willing to award big verdicts in toxic exposure cases against multi-national companies.

We believe each verdict helps educate the public and future jury pools about the dangers with chemicals that were once deemed to be safe.

January 12, 2025 – Last Roundup Lawsuit in Australia Discontinued

The Federal Court of Australia ended the last pending Roundup lawsuit in the country. In a 322-page ruling, the Australian Court concluded that the scientific evidence did not support the link between glysophate and NHL. This ruling closed out the Roundup Litigation in Australia.

Fortunately, the ruling in Australia bears no legal significance to the Roundup litigation that is ongoing in the United States.

January 1, 2025 – Will the Roundup Lawsuits Settle in 2025?

The first post of 2025 addresses what is on everyone’s mind. WIll the remaining Roundup lawsuits start settling in 2025?

We sure do hope so. Mass tort litagation is unpredictable. Often, the litigation drags on much longer that what even the most experienced attorneys initially predict.

That being said, we think that Bayer / Monsanto will start settling cases in 2025 and into 2026. If we hear of plaintiff firms settling their Roundup case inventories, we will let you know.

December 9, 2024 – Mistrial Decared in Chicago Roundup Trial

Associate Judge Daniel Trevino of the Cook County Circuit Court declared a mistrial after Monsanto’s counsel improperly introduced evidence on cross examiation that the Plaintiff had a prior alcohol related criminal charge.

Usually, Plaintiff’s personal history is not allowed into evidence at trial unless its relevant to the issues in the case. Before the trial starts, the Judge sets forth what personal topics of the Plaintiff are fair game. This process is called “motion in limine”.

Defense counsel in this case knew he was not allowed to bring up Plaintiff’s prior alchohol. He intentionally did so anyway for one of two reasons:

  1. to prejudice the Plaintiff by making him unlikeable to the jury; or
  2. to cause the Judge to declare a mistrial.

This is a common dirty tactic used by defense attorneys when they are getting beat at trial. If they can’t win fair and square, they will intentionally bring up inadmissible evidence to force the Judge to declare a misstrial.

Plaintiff will then have to go through the costly process of retrying the case. We hope the Judge sanctions Monsanto and its defense counsel for their unethical tactics.

December 3, 2024 – Alabama Widow Files Roundup Lawsuit On Behalf of Husband

Helen Chandler, a widow from Alabama, filed a lawsuit against Monsanto on behalf of her late husband who died from Non-hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The lawsuit, which was filed in federal court in Missouri, alleges that Monsanto’s Roundup caused thousands of vicitms, inclduing her husband, to suffer from various forms of cancer.

Ms. Chandler alleges that Monsanto knew of the link between glysophate and cancer since the 1980s but “under reported” the risks.

Ms. Chandler demands a jury trial and is seeking compensatory and punitive damages.

December 2, 2024 – Will U.S. Ban Glysophate Under RFK Jr.’s Leadership?

Roundup contains the chemical known as glysophate. Many countries like France banned glysophate for household use.

It is no secret that John F. Kennedy, Jr. has a disdain for pesticides, including glysophate. Assuming RFK Jr. is the new Secretary of Health and Human Services, he will have alot of power in placing restrictions on pesticides that have harmful effects.

Under RFK Jr.’s leadership, there is a real possibility the U.S. takes action similar to European countries. No doubt, the agriculture industry does not want any restrictions on using pesticides. To achieve his goal, RFK Jr. will have to overcome a well funded lobbying group. We wish RFJ Jr. the best of luck.

November 16, 2024 -Monsanto Wins Its Third Roundup Trial in Philly

In the 7th Roundup trial, a Philadelphi jury returned a verdict in favor of Monsanto. So far the plaintiffs have won 4 trials. Monsanto has won 3 trials.

In this particular case, the plaintiff alleged that Roundup caused her Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma after using Roundup several times a year. This case was an uphill battle because the plaintiff had limited exposure to Roundup between 2015 and 2019.

Although we do not like to see defense verdicts, the reality is that plaintiffs are not going to win every trial. The key is winning trials in the stronger cases.

November 3, 2024 – Massachusetts Court Tosses Failure to Warn Claim

“Preemption” is a major legal issue with litigating claims against Roundup. The preemption doctrine in products cases gives manufacturers immunity from “failure to warn” claims if their product was approved by a federal agency.

A Judge in Massachusetts ruled that a plaintiff’s failure to warn claim against Monsanto is preempted by federal law. In other words, the plaintiff cannot assert this claim against Monsanto. This ruling tracks the 3rd Circuit’s opinion in Schaffner v. Monsanto. As a result, the plaintiff’s lawsuit is limited to a design defect claim.

October 10, 2024 – Jury in Philadelphia Awards $78 Million Dollars

Big win for plaintiffs in the Roundup litiigation. A jury in Philadelphia awarded $78 million dollars to a man who got cancer after exposure to Roundup. This breaks a streak of defense verdicts in favor of Bayer / Monsanto. The jury also found for the Plaintiff on both the failure to warn and design defect claims. This hurts Monsanto’s chances of getting the verdict overturned on appeal.

October 1, 2024 – 6th Roundup Trial Underway in Philadephia

The 6th Roundup trial, Melissen v. Monsanto, is going into its third week. The maker of Roundup, Monsanto, won the last two trials in Philly. The Plaintiffs need a win to breack Monsanto’s momentum. We will post the result of the trial as soon as the jury returns a verdict.

September 12, 2024 – Bayer Wins 2nd Roundup Trial in Philadelphia

The verdict is in from Philadelphia. Unfortunately, the jury ruled that Bayer / Monsanto was not liable for the plaintiff’s cancer. This is Bayer’s 2nd defense verdict in a row. The scorecard in Philly is now 3 Plaintiff verdicts and 2 defense verdicts. This is a big win for Bayer and pretty much closes the door on global settlement in 2024. The next Roundup trial in Philadelphia is later in 2024.

September 2, 2024 – Monsanto Files Motion to Exclude Plaintiffs’ Experts

In the MDL litigation, Monsanto filed a motion to exclude the testimony of seven Plaintiffs’ experts. This “Daubert” motion is standard in mass litigation. If the Court allows the expert testimony of causation, then the experts’ testimony is admissible at trial. The battle of expert testmimony is a big deal, so we will monitor the Court’s ruling closely.

August 20, 2024 – 5th Trial Begins in Philadelphia

The 5th Roundup trial in Philadelphia is underway. As we’ve said before, Philly is a great venue. So far Plaintiffs have won three trials in Philly, which have resulted in billion dollar verdicts. A fourth win would be a great result for the Plaintiffs and hopefully one step closer to a global resolution.

August 1, 2024 – Australian Judge Dismisses Roundup Lawsuit

 An Australian judge dismissed a class action lawsuit claiming Bayer’s Roundup causes blood cancer. The judge determined there was insufficent evidence that glyphosate caused lymphoma. Because this lawsuit was filed in Australia, it will not impact the litigation in the United States.

July 1, 2024 – Bayer Lobbying for Laws Limiting Liability

When all else fails, spend millions of dollars lobbying politicians to pass laws in your favor. This is exactly what Bayer is doing to evade liability from cancer caused by Roundup.

Bayer is lobbying lawmakers in various states to pass laws protecting pesticide companies from claims related to failure to warn their product causes cancer.

Taking away “failure to warn” claims under state law would greatly minimize Bayer’s (other other pesticide manufacturers) liability.

June 12, 2024 – Court Lower’s Jury Verdict to $400 Million Dollars

We previously blogged about the $2.25 billion dollar verdict awarded by a jury in Philadelphia. The Court has lowered the verdict to $400 million dollars. While this is unfornunate becuase the Court is second guessing the judgment of the jury, $400 million dollars is still a massive verdict and a big loss to Bayer/Monsanto.

June 2, 2024 – Bayer’s Settlement Fund

Bayer/Monsanto has set aside $16 billion dollars to settle Roundup claims. So far Bayer has settled roughly 100,000 claims for $10 billion. That leaves around 54,000 remaining claims and $6 billion in Bayer’s settlement fund. It seems to us that Bayer will have to come up with more cash if it wants to settle the remaining claims.

April 24, 2024 – Court Reduces $1.56 Billion Jury Verdict

In December we blogged about a Missouri jury awarding $1.56 billion tto hree plaintiffs injured by Roundup. The Judge reduced the verdict to $611 million dollars.

Although we never like it when a Judge reduces a jury verdict, the $611 million award is still massive and a victory for the plaintiffs.

April 2, 2024 – Court of Appeals Rules Against Bayer

The U.S. Court of Appeals in the Eleventh Circuit rejected Bayer’s argument that federal insecticide laws shield the company from liability. This is a good ruling.

Bayer was attempting to dismiss a plaintiff’s lawsuit in Georgia based on that argument.

March 5, 2024 – Bayer/Monsanto Gets Defense Verdict In Pennsylvania

A jury in Pennsylvania denied a retired postal worker’s claim that his exposure to Roundup caused his NHL. The jury returend the defense verdict after deliberating for a couple hours. Plaintiff’s counsel stated he intends to appeal the verdict on the grounds that he was not allowed to present key evidence to the jury.

Although this verdict is not helpful to plaintiffs, it is important to put in perspective. Defense verdicts like this will happen in bellwether trials. Bayer will continue to try what it deems to be weaker cases. Plaintiff leadership will continue to try stronger cases. Despite the defense verdicts, the average bellwether trial result is still hundreds of millions of dollars.

February 1, 2024: Another Roundup Lawsuit Victory for Plaintiffs

Plaintiffs’ hot streak continues. A jury in Philadelphia awarded $2.25 billion dollars to a man diagnosed with Non-Hodkin’s Lymphoma. Now that’s a verdict! This is the second jury verdict in a row that is over a billion dollars.

The maker of Roundup, Bayer, will most likely appeal the verdict. However, this verdict should put immense pressure on Bayer to resolve the remaining cases.

December 1, 2023: Huge Roundup Lawsuit Victory for Plaintiffs

A jury in Missouri awarded three plaintiffs $1.56 billion dollars for injuries caused by Roundup. This verdict is a massive win for the plaintiffs with claims in the MDL. Of course, the jury verdict is a huge loss for Bayer.

The plaintiffs are on a winning streak having won four cases in a row. However, prior to these four cases, Bayer had been found not liable to plaintiffs in nine consecutive trials. We are hopeful this verdict will facilitate a global settlement to resolve the remaining cases.

May 8, 2023: Roundup Bellwether Trial Underway in St Louis

A new “bellwether” trial is underway in St Louis, Missouri. This case involves a victim diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 39. The lawsuit alleges that the victim, Sharlean Gordon, was exposed to Roundup as a child. Her stepfather used Roundup around the house in a non-commercial manner.

This bellwether trial is important for plaintiffs because Bayer has been on a winning streak. If Ms. Gordon wins this trial, Bayer will be under increased pressure to settle remaining cases, including cases with non-commercial use exposure.

May 8, 2023: Roundup Maker Sued for Not Making Settlement Payment

Monsanto was recently sued for denying a settlement payout to a non-U.S. citizen based on the claimant’s immigration status. The lawsuit was filed by a migrant worker diagnosed with NHL.

As litigation continues onward, another study has been released showing that glyphosate is linked to increased cancer risks. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute concluded that farmers with occupational exposure to glyphosate displayed significantly higher biomarkers for cancer compared to a control group.

October 4, 2022: Roundup Chemical Found in School Lunches

A new independent study reveals that 95.3% of school lunches contain detectable levels of glysophate, the active ingredient in Roundup. The federal government should investigate the long term effects of glysophate exposure in connection with the federally funded school lunch program.

July 29, 2022: Monsanto Settles False Advertising Lawsuit

The maker of Roundup, Monsanto, has agreed to pay 45 million dollars to settle a class action lawsuit alleging false advertising and failure to warn health risks. This class action is different than the lawsuits filed by those that developed cancer.

July 25, 2022: Shocking Finding by the CDC

A study sanctioned by the CDC concluded that the active ingredient of Roundup, Glyphosate, is found in the majority of U.S. urine samples. The International Agency for Research on Cancer – part of the World Health Organization — classifies Glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Though the EPA in 2020 found that Glyphosate is “not likely” to cause cancer in humans, a federal appeals court last month ordered the EPA to reexamine its findings. Bayer plans to remove Glyphosate from consumer based products by 2023.

July 17, 2022: 30,000 Roundup Claims Remain

As of July 2022, roughly 30,000 Roundup claims remain active against Bayer. Additional claims are still being filed. Bayer will likely have to set side several billion dollars to settle these claims.

July 12, 2022: Roundup Lawsuit in Georgia to Move Forward

In a huge win for Plaintiffs, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled that a Georgia man’s state law claims against Bayer could move forward. The Plaintiff in that case asserted state law claims that Bayer failed to adequately warn of the risks of using Roundup. The Court rejected Bayer’s argument that federal law shielded it from state law claims. The Court’s ruling allows the Plaintiff’s lawsuit to move forward against Bayer.

In a similar case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit also denied Bayer’s argument that federal law preempted state law. By appealing the same issue in multiple circuits, Bayer was clearly trying to get a conflicting ruling to create a “circuit split” in order to increase the chance of getting a case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

June 21, 2022: U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Bayer

The Supreme Court of the United States rejected Bayer’s petition to dismiss claims by customers alleging Roundup causes cancer.

November 30, 2021: Roundup Jury Verdict Upheld

The California Supreme Court upheld an 87 million dollar verdict for a couple who were diagnosed with cancer.

June 29, 2021: Bayer to Remove Glyphosate

Bayer announces that it plans to remove Glyphosate from U.S. Lawn and Garden products by 2023.

June 24, 2020: Roundup Settlment Reached

Bayer settles roughly 100,000 Roundup claims for 11 billion dollars.

The settlement process will take time and likely not occur until the end of 2023 (at the earliest).

How Does Roundup Cause Cancer?

Roundup is made with Glyphosate, the most-used agricultural chemical ever. Some 300 million pounds of glyphosate are used on crops worldwide each year.

Glyphosate works by inhibiting a specific enzyme required for plant growth. Glyphosate has been shown to be carcinogenic, and thus cause cancer.

Evidence suggests that Glyphosate exposure is linked to chromosomal and DNA damage in human cells, as well as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other types of hematopoietic (blood cell-related) cancers.

More than 25 countries and some jurisdictions in the U.S. have banned or restricted the use of glyphosate.

The Roundup lawsuits allege that Monsanto knew about that the risks associated with glysophate but marketed and sold the product for decades while downplaying the risks to consumers.

We Represent Roundup Clients Nationwide

Fob James Law Firm is honored to represent victims and their families who have suffered injuries caused by the Roundup products.

We are ready to aggressively represent you and your family on your claim no matter what state you reside in.

Contact a Roundup Lawsuit Lawyer For Help

At Fob James Law Firm, our job is to fight for your best interests. If you’ve suffered an injury as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals in Roundup products, you should contact us immediately.

We can determine if you are eligible to file a claim or not. It won’t cost you anything to speak with us.

Additionally, you’ll never pay us anything until we successfully settle or win your case in court. Our nationwide Roundup attorneys are experienced, dedicated, and they truly care about you.

We treat all of our clients exactly how we would want our own family members to be treated. Contact us right now at 866-837-1010 or set up a free case evaluation so we can help you.

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Fob James

Fob James obtained a B.S., in software engineering from Auburn University and then continued his education by getting his J.D. from Vanderbilt University School of Law. After working for a large regional firm for several years where he obtained awards for both individual and corporate clients, Fob found that his passion was fighting for individuals who have been seriously injured or wronged by others. Fob believes that the jury is the great equalizer to the power and influence that large corporations have in society.